In an age of seemingly infinite information and constant news, it can be easy to forget everything except today. That mindset can be helpful when getting over a painful memory or deciding to step outside your comfort zone; but being grounded and feeling purpose becomes much more difficult. The reality is that we are mostly a product of what came before us both physically (we were all born) and culturally (we each were raised in a particular culture). From birth, we evolve and simultaneously our culture evolves creating a unique experience for our person. With that unique experience comes a lot of pressure and a searching for direction. We first look to our parents and friends to guide us and eventually we look to history to fill in the gaps. History is the only thing capable of teaching you all the things you can’t figure out in one lifetime’s experience.
In addition to providing a bedrock for our existence as individuals, history gives us the tools to build and grow ourselves and our culture in a positive direction. Everything we accomplish today is only made possible and efficient by the lives of those before us who strived to make things better. Take the time to wonder about the creation of the great Pyramids of Giza, the simple genius of the railroad, or the intense iterative genius during the 6 years of WWII. You’ll find awe and beauty in it, you’ll connect dots and realize that the world is an amazing place and that you’re part of an extensive legacy. It should motivate you to keep striving and building for the ones coming after you.